Wednesday, April 20, 2005

A Fun Diversion

Maybe this might be more fun than falling down the stairs. It's an idea I stole from another blogger.

It's a fun little game. Each reader can ask me up to four questions - just comment below. I will answer only the first 20 questions, and I promise to answer each one honestly in an upcoming post -- assuming I understand your goofy question. Ask whatever you want. No holds barred. No limits.

Remember, only the first 20 questions so ask early.


Rob Williams said...

ok so, you asked, read my blogs two short posts DrunkenBlog and SoperBlog and answer me honestly.

what percentage "animal" and what percentage "human" are you?

Char said...

Pondering a question I don't already know the answer to...
Note to self: Gotta come up with something really good! Emphasis on Really.

Dustin said...

1) What is your definition of love?
2) Why do people pierce their dicks?
3) For or against gay marriage and why?
4) How are your ribs?

pork and shellfish said...

Pork and shellfish want to know:

1. If you could go back in time, would you kill Hitler?

2. We want to know: cut or uncut? (Pork really wants to know.)

3. Do you think Jesus gave a crap whether or not guys did it with other guys?

4. Who do you like better: pork or shellfish?

Anonymous said...

Would hate to have you become disillusioned over too few questions, so thought I would add a couple for you to "chew on"...

1) If you could go "back in time" to meet ANY two people; who would they be and why?

2) Given the opportunity to write, and have published, a work of significant impact on society to day, what would it be titled and why?

That entertained Catholic - again.

Unknown said...

Questions? I'll give you questions!!

1) if you had to describe yourself as a fruit, which fruit would you be & why?

2) favorite movie and why?

3) you have $15,000 and one day to spend it... what would you get?

4) what color best describes your personality and why?

5) you could live anywhere and have a summer home anywhere... where and why?

6) how do you vent your anger?

7) do you love me? *mwah!*

Char said...

Ok, Questions.

1. If you could meet Da Vinci - What would you say?

2. If you could die, and come back an animal or a plant - Which would you choose and why?

3. Do you have a favorite pair of socks? Describe them.

4. What if you had a magic wand?

5. What is something you wish you were better at doing?

6. Do cats really have 9 lives?

7. Ancient Greek and Roman gods were often associated with symbols that represented them in paintings. What animal or object do you think would make a fitting symbol of yourself?

8. Name a pet peeve.

9. What are 3 questions you might like to ask your mirror?

10. Are you a superstitious person?

There babe.. that ought to put you over your quota... *laughing*