Monday, April 25, 2005

A Fun Diversion - Response #3

So apparently I don't quite have the traffic or the loyal fan base yet to justify 20 questions. To date, I have only received nine questions. And that's okay. The questions were really good, and maybe I'll revisit this little diversion in the future and see what comes up.

Today's questions come from Pork and Shellfish. I don't know who these two protein posers are nor do I profess to understand them 100 percent, but they preach a mean message of tolerance, love and understanding. And isn't that what we all want? Maybe the revolution will start with shrimp and the other white meat.

1. If you could go back in time, would you kill Hitler? No, I wouldn't. I do believe that everything happens for a reason, and something of Hitler's nature was certainly part of a master plan. Not to say that what he did was nice or good, but the actions of one man changed history in a way that reverberates today and I'm certain that the universe had a good reason for it. It just isn't immediately apparent. So unless the universe intended for me to go back and kill the son-of-a-bith, then I wouldn't. But then maybe it is the universe's intention for me to kill him and change the timeline... Gosh, I don't know. I have a headache now.

2. We want to know: cut or uncut? (Pork really wants to know.) Almost everyone loves a good cut of Pork. And for your information, I'm cut. And somedays I'm really distraught about this. What good purpose does being cut serve anyway? This whole cut/uncut thing is just a tragedy inflicted upon unknowing Western males.

3. Do you think Jesus gave a crap whether or not guys did it with other guys? Not just no, but hell no. Jesus also preached a mighty mean message of peace, love and understanding. As long as we all just love one another, that's all Jesus wanted.

4. Who do you like better: pork or shellfish? I don't discriminate. I hate everyone equally. Well that's not true. I hate stupid people more. Seriously, I'm not sure I have a favorite. Although I had a fantastic bacon and shrimp quesadilla yesterday afternoon with the boys at Cafe Ole. And well the margaritas were pretty awesome too. And watching HotAss get drenched in strawberry margarita was pretty damn funny. Oh wait, I'm off subject. I admit I'm a huge fan of shellfish -- so tender and so tasty. But pork - well that's a entirely different flavor and desire. The debate goes on.

And I don't think it's fair of you to ask me to choose one over the other. What are you trying to do? Start World War III?


Anonymous said...

Pork and shellfish are honored by your thoughtful responses. Whether we agree or disagree is not what matters, it's the love and energy you put into answering our questions that humbles us.

You are so right. In a moment of weakness, we asked you to choose between us. We are ashamed. All we can say is even pork and shellfish are weak sometimes.

Unknown said...

I asked questions below...

and here's one more... have you been effusive for cheesy bread recently? *ha*