Tuesday, April 26, 2005

A Fun Diversion - Response #4

The damn Catholics strike again!! Today's questions were asked by the "Entertained Catholic." Let's hope I can continue to keep him entertained with the answers.

1) If you could go "back in time" to meet ANY two people; who would they be and why? This has always been a very difficult question for me to answer, merely because I don't "admire" a lot of folks, and maybe that's because of my tendencies to see faults in those people most folks call "heroes."

But you didn't ask about heroes; just people I want to meet. So let's just say I get on the "way back machine" and punch in a few dates and pull the lever, the first stop would be early 1960s. Hopefully I'd land in some fabulous lounge where the Hollywood elite gathered and I'd like to spend an hour or two sipping cocktails with Audrey Hepburn. Just to spend a few minutes in the presence of someone who was the icon of beauty, kindness, grace and impeccable style.

The next stop would be around 1510. What would it be like to spend a few days chatting with Michelangelo, if you could get him to focus on you and not the images unfolding on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? How magnificent to watch a masterpiece unfold before your very eyes! His imagination and his understanding of beauty. Wow, that would be truly divine.

2) Given the opportunity to write, and have published, a work of significant impact on society to day, what would it be titled and why? Wow, what a lofty goal! I wish I could write the penultimate guide to being gay in the 21st Century, one man's perspective but with such universal appeal that even the heteros would flock to the nearest Barnes and Noble to read it. The guide would finally demystify "the gays," our culture, our biology, our psychology and our relationships with such poignancy, such clarity, such intelligence that it would become required reading for every gay man, as well as the people who both love us and despise us. And for a title? How about My Last Gay Nerve: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Who I Am?

Whew! Those two questions took a lot out of me.


Anonymous said...

Kudos Man in Memphis! The Catholic continues to be entertained. While they may have "...taken a lot out of you", your answers gave me a lot too. I expected nothing less. And by the way, the title of that piece of literature...nearly inspired.


pork and shellfish said...

We could all use a book called How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Who I Am. Especially pork.