In what was the most beautiful, inspirational and touching wedding I have ever witnessed, the Artist and the Chef formally became The Dynamic Duo, emotionally tethered to one another til death do them part.
Congratulations, boys. On behalf of the Gaggle, thanks for letting us share your day with you.
You might occasionally find stuff here that isn't suitable for people under the age of 18. Hell, sometimes you might find content that isn't appropriate for people OVER the age of 18. At times, it may not be appropriate at all. So consider yourself warned. says that I am...
diplomatic and urbane,
romantic and charming,
easygoing and sociable,
idealistic and peaceable,
And it says that I am also indecisive and changeable,
gullible and easily influenced, flirtatious and self-indulgent...and prone to back problems.
*weeping* ;-)
Awww.. that is so super sweet!!! :)
Congrats AJ & Rob!!!
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