Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Still Talking About the Heart

I present to you Stephen Crane's The Heart, and then I'll stop with this heart business for a while. This poem amuses me. Discuss.

In the desert
I saw a creature, naked,
who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, "Is it good, friend?"
"It is bitter—bitter,"
he answered;
"But I like it
Because it is bitter,
And because it is
my heart."


Dustin said...

Uh...interestingly disturbing...

Unknown said...

gotta love Crane -

Yes, I have a thousand tongues,

And nine and ninety-nine lie.

Though I strive to use the one,

It will make no melody at my will,

But is dead in my mouth.