Wednesday, February 9, 2005

He Says, He Says

Well so about 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, I finally hear from Military Guy with a cryptic message that says "been busy. family trouble. will fill u in later." I reply with "call when you can."

Now, just a few weeks ago, I read He's Just Not That Into You, the dating guide for single girls which is easily translated to gay men. A very memorable line says "Busy is just another word for asshole. Asshole is just another word for the guy you've been seeing." A man who is into you should never be so busy that he can't call. These are technologically advanced days, and between cell phones and text messages and e-mails, there really is no excuse. I told HotAss, even if his mother is dead and he's standing in the morgue identifying her body, technology makes it easy to send a message saying "Mom's Ded. Talk 2 U after the wake"

So naturally I took his lack of communication as a sign that he just wasn't into me, and that's ok.

Monday came and went, and no word from him. Bear in mind, that I hadn't really talked to him since Friday afternoon, and I understood that he was going to go with me to the Mardi Gras party. So Tuesday a.m., I send a quick little note, wishing him well but that was the last time I was going to contact him. Which got his attention.

He says he didn't get any of my messages over the weekend, because he was out in the country, and cell phone service is next to nothing out there. And he says he completely and totally forgot about the party because when he wasn't in the country, he was on base. He apologized. He promised that he wasn't flaking out and that he was into me. I let him take me to dinner last night, and I brought him back to my place so that he could beg for my forgiveness.

He's forgiven...this time. Just so you know, I AM keeping score. And he has one strike against him.

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