Saturday, February 12, 2005

Friday Evening

It wasn't the most exciting Friday night on record, but it was fun and relaxing.

HotAss picked me up and we met T-man and some of his colleagues/out-of-towners for barbecue. Believe it or not, it was the first time I've eaten bbq since I moved to Memphis. T-man is a choirmaster, organist and composer, so his colleagues are churchy types. But fun not-uptight churchy types because they're Episcopal.

And I have decided that Episcopals like to make fun of themselves. You'd never hear a Baptist making fun of the pastor, or themselves. Which is why it was so funny when the group started swapping stories about pastors, priests and rectors.

And the prize for best story of the night goes to:

In one particular church, the ladies took turn making communion bread, and as ladies are apt to do, trying to one-up the other with brand new recipes. One particular woman made raisin bread, and as the priest raised the bread and broke it before the congregation, he was taken by surprise by the tiny pieces of shriveled fruit and said, "There are goddamn raisins in here." But he composed himself and continued, "May the Lord be with you."


Kim said...

since when does the body of christ have raisins?

Anonymous said...

Well we could talk for hours on whether that WAS the body of Christ. In an Episcopal priest's hands...I hardly think so. Hilarious still.

Entertained Catholic