Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Right Down the Toilet (Which Happens to Be Basking in Afternoon Sun)

Today, the edict I dreaded came down from on high. The letter was slid under the door.

I have to move, even if temporarily.

Because the elevator repair is estimated to take four to six weeks (although there are no promises), and the property management company cannot guarantee "reasonable access and services," I have been given the following three options:

  1. Permanent relocation - They tear up my lease, and I move somewhere else, with a return of my deposit and moving expenses.
  2. Permanent relocation to the other tower - Vacate my apartment and move to an apartment in the other tower with a brand-new lease and two months of free rent.
  3. Temporary relocation - Pack up the things I need for at least six weeks. Turn in my keys. And mooch off friends until I can return to my old apartment under a new lease and two months of free rent. However, there is no rent or utilities to be paid during the time away.

At this point, options #2 and #3 are looking good. But only #2 if I can get an equally fabulous apartment on the other side. And if the Gaggle can reserve a couple of hours on a Saturday to stuff all my stuff in shopping cart, push them across the lobby, and lug it up to the other side in its fully-functional elevator.

I have until July 15th to decide, and August 13th to be out. Stay tuned for the edge-of-your-seat conclusion.

1 comment:

Char said...

It is such a fab apartment.. it will be hard to replicate... but it is a necessity. :)