Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Freedom to Eat And Drink Anything You Want

So the illness seems to be passing (no pun intended). Finally some sleep, some rice and a cup of tea, and I feel better.

I wish there was some way to provide a recap of the last four days, and as Hotass said, I wish we had kept an inventory of everything the Gaggle ate and drank over the weekend. There were Hebrew National franks, lasagna, burgers, chips and salsa, French onion dip, pasta salad, and Cheddar and Sour Cream Lay's potato chips. One day there was even breakfast with biscuits, bacon and fruit salad.

Oh yeah, and there was the half of German chocolate cake that didn't stand a chance when the Chef passed out forks, set the cake in the middle of the table, and we were all over it like Golden Girls on cheesecake. We didn't even bother to slice and serve.

And we made batch after batch of summer beer in a five-gallon cooler, a refreshing beverage made with beer, vodka, lemonade concentrate and ginger ale. Of course, we ran out of vodka and used whatever random liquors we could find, creating some concoction with rum and juice.

Is it any wonder my stomach decided to turn on me? Am I really surprised I needed to give my digestive system a day to recover?


Dustin said...

Four days of half-drunken, gluttonous poolside fagdom... what more could one ask for?

Char said...

I must have woke up this morning with sympathy (i wont go into details) "pains" for one of you guys....
Ya'll suck.