Wednesday, April 23, 2008

In this light, treehugging Has Never Looked Better

Okay, so I apologize that I missed the Earth Day post, but in my web wanderings yesterday, I came across this, what simply must be the most fabulous eco-friendly item this year: ILLUMINATED WALLPAPER.

The inventor has yet to make it clear how it works, but somehow this wallpaper uses e-ink and organic light-emitting diodes (very low energy consumption) to make the electronic components paper-thin and capable of being rolled or flattened into a two-dimensional surface.

You can turn it off and on like a lamp, and when it's off, you can't even tell that it's a light source.


Dustin said...

That's neato.

Dustin said...

And does that mean you'd like to play golf with me? I'll even take you to the range and let you use my clubs to see if you loathe it.

And you have no idea how fun it is to go into the pro shop and ask for a bucket of balls.

Dustin said...

Sold. Out of town this weekend, but perhaps next Saturday?