Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Taking another swing at this blog thing

Well it almost seems ridiculous to think that once again I might actually attempt to maintain this disappointment called a blog. But every time Dusty sees me, he brings up how disappointed he is that my blog has died. And truth be told I've been itching to resurrect this thing...again.

Of course, at this point, I'm not sure who would even be dropping by to see what I have to say. Maybe Dusty. Maybe Artist. Maybe some random person from Beataqueer, Arkansas, I've never met before but who has been engaged in some hefty hand-wrenching, eagerly awaiting my return to the blogosphere. Maybe, but I doubt it.

So I'm going to try to not shoot my wad all in one post. I'll stretch out what's been going on in my life and pepper in some useful and not-so-useful stuff as I think about it. Hell, I have a camera phone. Maybe I'll just keep you updated on the holes in my socks.

So until the next post, here's my middle toe in the hole in my sock.

One more thing: I'll take a nod from Dusty and let you know what I'm currently listening to.

Currently listening to: Rent - La Vie Boheme "...bisexuals, trisexuals, homo sapiens..."


Dustin said...


Dustin said...

And I love that song.

Brad said...

Welcome back.

Hearthhusband said...

Oh, thank the little baby oak tree!!! Skipper's back! I couldn't be happier. Please, dear friend, no more toe pics, it could get ugly.

Anonymous said...

Well, there are more than a few of us, "out here" glad to see your return.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous = TNCubist (been so damn long I forgot my password! :-(

pickledfairy said...

SO glad your back my friend~