Wednesday, October 5, 2005

The Night the Disco Ball Stopped Spinning

You might want to sit down for this. I have something very important to tell you.

I'm bored with dance music.

I know. I'm a little shocked myself. I sure didn't see this coming.


Dustin said...


Unknown said...

clutch the damn pearls...THUD

Anonymous said...

dance music = gay

dance music = bored

gay = bored

Anonymous said...

just say it ain't so

Skipper said...

Now, Bobo, thank you for what I believe your first post ever, and I feel I have to clarify your recent post. I admit that my Logic 201 class memories are a little fuzzy, so here is what I think you meant to say:

IF Skipper is bored with dance music (dance music = bored), and going with the widespread assumption that Group Gay also includes a vast majority of Group Dance Music, then one might then conclude that being bored with dance music might also equate to being bored with being gay. To which leads us to conclude that Skipper is obviously bored with being gay.

And since you then commented "Say it isn't so," I must be the first to tell you that I am not bored with being gay. Thank heavens.

Char said...

Just throw on some Megadeath, or System of a Down baby and shake it off.