Thursday, October 6, 2005

Have You Ever...?

I got tagged by Virginia.

1. Have you ever appreciated a sunset? When I moved to Memphis, I had a great view of the sunset over the skyline every single night. And a July sunset in a partly-cloudy-Memphis-Tennessee-sky-with-a-chance-of-scattered-thunderstorms sky, full of reds and oranges and yellows and deep purple, just might be one of the most beautiful things you'll ever see.

2. Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes. In fact, at age 10, my intent was to become a serious barrell racer. I had this horse named Gypsy Lady, and she was black with a white star in the middle of her forehead. Because she was a little short-legged, she was not a barrell-racing horse. She wasn't really good on the turns. MaybeI wasn't that great of a rider. But if you put her on a straightaway, to a 10-year-old me, she ran like the wind.

3. Have you ever been a guest at a surprise party? The 7-11 party comes to mind. The Artist knew something was happening, even if he was a just little miffed that nothing happened on the birth date.

4. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? A poorly disguised surprise party that HotAss organized. The boyfriend-of-the-moment (Mr. Boring) took me out driving for a while and brought me back to my place for the Eeyore party. As an almost 33-year-old man, I am positively embarrassed that I had an Eeyore party at age 26.

5. Have you ever been in a fist fight? There have been times I wish I had used fists, and left a black eye or a busted lip. But the only real fist fight I've been in, I threw the one and only punch, breaking his nose in three places and making him bleed like a stuck pig.

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