Tuesday, December 20, 2005

What To Do? What To Do?

It's been two months since Dusty and Bobo gave me a home on the Internet, at least a formal home. For the past year, the blog has been like my first apartment. A little disjointed, with lots of hand-me-down accessories and mismatched pieces. But hey, it's mine and I like it.

But my new home sits empty. And sometimes I go and look at its four walls and try to figure out what to do with the place. And so far, no brilliant ideas.

Dusty and I sat down about a month ago, and sketched some basic sections - art, writing, photography - but still, no bright ideas on my part on how to start filling it.

So give me some suggestions. It's a blank slate.

1 comment:

Char said...

If you eat a cheeseburger.. inspiration will come... lol