Friday, December 2, 2005

How to Pee

A few years ago, I remember reading a question in Men's Health magazine in one of their advice columns.

The poor guy was lamenting how, when he got up to pee in the middle of the night, he needed light to see where the stream was headed, or else he pissed all over the toilet brush. And if he flipped on the light, he stayed awake for the rest of the night.

The expert opinion offered back to him was that he should quickly turn the light off and on while focusing on the toilet bowl. By doing this, the image of the toilet bowl would be burned into his retinas, allowing him to continue to see where to pee in the dark.

How absurd. Why was it so difficult to tell the poor guy this? Walk into the bathroom, find the toilet, sit down, pee, and be done with it. Flush if you feel like it, or wait until morning.

By sitting down, you can almost fall asleep again.

You could do this in the dark. You barely have to open your eyes. Hell, you barely have to be conscious to hit the water that way.

Why is it such a slap in the face to masculinity to pee sitting down? Oh yeah, because that's what girls do.


Anonymous said...

I completely agree. Just go in sit your ass down and do what ya gotta do and then go back to bed. Or get a freakin night light!!

T.V. Fritz said...

I piss sitting down all the time. My boyfriends make fun of me for doing so.

T.V. Fritz said...

I need to add you to my link list. Have I added you to my links? I can't remember.

Char said...

We piss sitting down?