Tuesday, August 23, 2005


If there ever was a face of stupidity and ignorance, it just might be that one. In case you missed Pat Robertson's latest proclamation, the zealot has called for on television, in front of millions of Christian viewers, the assassination of the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez.

I didn't even realize Venezuela was a threat. I guess we've been too busy watching the east to not see the evil rising in the south.

Robertson believes that the Venezuelan president is supporting communists and Islamic extremists. And he furthermore believes that the U.S. should assassinate the South American leader because "it's cheaper than starting a war."

Killing little old ladies and stealing their groceries is cheaper than me going to the grocery store, too. But I still don't think it's a good idea.

"We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability," Robertson, the founder of the Christian Coalition, said in his Monday broadcast of The 700 Club. Do you think that's what the Pontius Pilate said about Jesus? That it's time to take him out?

So let me get this straight, Mr. Robertson, although you have professed that you believe that every little boy and girl in America should be taught the Ten Commandments because that would have prevented God's wrath and the September 11th attacks, you still support violation of the Sixth Commandment, thou shalt not kill. Is that correct, Mr. Robertson?

Of course, the White House was quick to respond saying that Robertson's views do not represent the views of the U.S. government, and that private citizens have the right to say whatever they want.

Really? I have the right to say whatever I want? And if I said that I believed that President Bush should be assassinated as quickly as possible to prevent spending anymore unnecessary dollars in Iraq and to avoid sacrificing our nation's well-being and our nation's young soldiers? I can say that it's time to for us to take President Bush out? And the Secret Service is okay with that?

And remember how quickly President Bush made the connection between Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. How they were in cahoots, plotting to sink democracy and freedom, even thoughthe evidence was sketchy at best. Come on, now couldn't even a political novice like me make a connection between Pat Robertson and Bushy-boy and justify a righteous assassination of President Bush? Of course, the killings would have to trickle down to Cheney and rest of the conservative cronies, just to sever the bloodline.

Now, let me clarify. I think Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell and others representing the Religious Right and Christian Coalition are idiots and hypocrites of the worst kind. I think Dubya is a crooked, beady-eyed, power-hungry, self-serving moron who deserves to be beaten to a bloody pulp in a barroom brawl after popping his mouth off too much. I'd like to believe that they are harmless, but I don't think they are. They've somehow managed to brainwash millions and have commanded them to listen to what they say. They're dangerous, and quite frankly, I live in fear.

Hell, all Janet Jackson did was flash a little flesh, and she's the anti-Christ according to the Religious Right. She influenced impressionable minds with her wantonness and sexuality. Pat Robertson made his comments on his nationally broadcast soapbox, and perhaps he influenced impressionable minds as well. Minds who now think we should invade Venezuela and kill their president.

Robertson has made no bones about his stance on homosexuality. According to him, people who support gay rights are a "malevolent force pushing this agenda that is perverse and evil" and homosexuality and abortion are the major reasons this country is headed for Hell in a handbasket.

It's easy to make the leap that Robertson, untamed, could next suggest that all homosexuals be shot on sight, advocate bombings of gay nightclubs, florists and antique shops, propose sinking all-gay cruise liners, or order the dropping of nukes on San Francisco, Key West and Midtown Memphis pool parties.

It's bad enough that I already want a car equipped with James-Bond-laser-beams to pulverize cars on the highway with "W: The President" stickers. But seriously, I'm harmless. My only weapons are my ability to speak my mind (thank goodness that is apparently protected for now) and my ability to vote (at least as long as I am allowed).

To my readers, say what you think, act upon your conscience, and resolve that you will do something to counteract the idiocy run rampant in our country.

And now...I would really be appreciative if someone would help me off my soapbox.

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