Thursday, February 1, 2007

Happy Potter and the Sorcerer's Bone

I have to remind myself to tread lightly when talking about how attractive the young man at the left is. He is, after all, only 17, and he is the young man that the rest of the world knows as Harry Potter.

All of England is abuzz about Daniel Radcliffe's decision to pose nearly naked for the promotional photos for a London play, Equus. In the play, he plays a young stablehand with an erotic fixation on horses who is undergoing an psychiatric evaluation after he blinds six horses with a hoof pick. And, aside from the dramatic integrity of the work, Radcliffe shows off his wee-wee in a scene of full frontal nudity.

Parents are outraged, and believe that he should remain clothed since he is a role model as Harry Potter. Apparently, he should never be allowed to step off his Nimbus 2000, and should forever be the boy wizard. Even when he's in his forties.

He says in an interview that he wants to shake up the public's perception of him. "Just shove me in a blender," he says.

So should he have steered clear of the role until he finished the Harry Potter series for the sake of the little English ankle-biters? Heck naw. Not that I've been a fan of the Harry Potter movies lately, but his decision to explore the talent more deeply has piqued my interest in the movies. So I might actually make a return to the theatres to see the next Harry Potter movie.

Which comes out this July, 10 days before his 18th birthday. And then I'll make some vile and nasty comment.


jimmmij said...

Couldnt have said it better myself...Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Found you from your comment on Jimmmij...have to say that riding the short bus is not that bad...I like having "special" needs.

Char said...

Damn he's only 17? *bad Charlotte*

Unknown said...

I'll say it. DAMN that boy is fine.

Unknown said...

Um... Speaking of... have you seen this?