Tuesday, January 2, 2007

I'm Coming Out - Part Deux

Yeah. It was too good to last. So I've decided to come out of retirement. Or maybe it was a sabbatical. Or hiatus. Or whatever the fuck you wish to call it, but at any rate, I'm coming out. I want the world to know. Got to let it show.

I'm coming back. I have this funny feeling that there will be lots of things to talk about in coming months. It's a new year and I'm determined to make 2007 one of the best ever. This is the year I turn 35. I want to be a much more pleasant and contented person who makes use of the gifts and talents I've been given and who appreciates the many blessings in my life. I want to be happier. I want to be whole, and it's been a very long time since I've felt that way. But that is my new year's resolution.

To feel whole again.

So I'm going to write more. And paint more. And squeeze the good stuff out of life more. And laugh more, and live more. Who knew that it would be so much work to just be and then so much more work to just be happy?

In a moment of joking last week, Hotass, the Artist and I started rewriting the Bible, and I believe there is a verse (that's the new Memphis James Revised Edition in case you're wondering) that says, "You have been given a great and powerful gift. Don't fuck it up."

That's probably one of the lmost important lessons we're put here on earth to learn.


Anonymous said...

"Squeeze the good stuff out of life"? Hmmm.

Glad you're back!

Dustin said...

Welcome back, Chico....The internet has missed your wit.

pickledfairy said...

Glad your back James...it makes me feel close to you even though I am so far away.

Char said...

Glad you're back..... =)