Wednesday, March 1, 2006

To Flee or Not To Flee?

You barely have time to bask in the afterglow before you start asking yourself the questions about proper trick etiquette.

Should you come and go, and run the risk of being a total cad? Or should you linger a little while, and run the risk of being the one he couldn't get to leave?

If he jumps up to grab a towel, it's a good sign that you should find your pants and hit the door. Which is fine if you don't particularly want to stick around.

What if the pre-foreplay signals said that he was sorta into you, but he's already rummaging for his underwear and putting the lube back in the nightstand drawer before you even had a chance to get your breath?

What if you kinda sorta like him, and he dashes for the stash of towels and starts making the bed? How much uncomfortable small talk do you have to make while you dress, and still get your point across that you'd like to see him again and not seem desperate?

What if he wants to cuddle and you don't? How many uncomfortable minutes have to pass before it's okay to excuse yourself? And aren't the excuses like "I've got an early day" or "I've got to let the dog out" a little transparent?

If you like him and you think he likes you, how do you politely decline an invitation to stay because you really do have a legitmate reason (or maybe you just aren't up for a sleepover) and not seem like you're making stuff up?

If it's your place, and you're not into him, how do you not make it obvious that you're ready for him to leave and still be a polite host?

How come Miss Manners never addressed this? Or should you just go back to thinking with your dick?


Anonymous said...

Call me old fashioned, but I believe there exists a presumption of a sleepover. ONLY, in the most extreme situations, should the guest leave. For the exact reasons cited in your blog, the two "part-time lovers" should accept the notion that parting should occur only in the morning. The uncertainty of any future relationship, whether the boy was really "that into you", or whether the sex was even worth your time, is all answered by the follow-up phone call... but wait that required 48 hours to call. Everything would be much clearer, if we all played by these simple rules.

Char said...

<-- always jumps up and grabs a towel... cuddle? hell to the no. Not even with the man I love very much.
yeah.. prolly.

If you get an answer to your questions, let me know!

Will said...

Somehow I've never understood phrases like "Walk of Shame" or "Doing the Nasty." Shouldn't we be proud of having had sex, of having shared intimacy with another guy? Maybe it's just me, but whenever a friend tells me he's scored, I invariably give him a kiss on the cheek or hug him and offer congratualtions.