Thursday, March 8, 2007

Booger Drag

So Jennifer tells me that she is bored with Britney and wants to know why I hadn't blogged since the 17th of February. Honestly, there hasn't been much to blog about. I've had a pretty boring routine.

However, since nothing spices things up around the house like a good drag queen, here ya go.

Who are those booger girls? Well, you see, the first Halloween that Hotass and I shared an apartment (the one we call the Villa on the Hilla) back in 1995, we decided to throw a gender-bender party. It was nothing more than an excuse for two gay boys to put on lipstick, but nonetheless, we thought we did a good job, given the limited knowledge and resources we had at our disposal.

So the girl with the lazy eye on the left, that's Nikki Chablis. She fancied herself as a modern-day Mata Hari, defecting from behind the Iron Curtain with Soviet secrets and fashion tips. But she looked more like she got tangled up in the curtain and took a terrible spill off the Berlin Wall.

The blushing bride on the right? That's Miss Havisham. Always a bridesmaid and never a bride until Halloween. That dress was so rotten, we feared for her life everytime she came near an open flame (and there was lots of flaming that night). Like poor Miss Havisham in Great Expectations, we expected her to catch on fire and run screaming from room to room. And never once spilling a drop of her cocktail.

And that big ol' mess in the middle? Well, she was trying to be Eddie from Absolutely Fabulous (she claimed that was "LaCroix, sweetie, LaCroix," around her neck, but we all knew it was thrift store). In the end, I think she just turned out looking like Bea Arthur's Maude.

So, Jennifer, is this better than Britney?


Hearthhusband said...

what a mess.

Dustin said...

I love it....

Unknown said...

HA! you used my line about my lezzy hair cut TN license about your Russian drag queen! That's HYSTERICAL.